Annual General Meeting Report 2019

The Annual General Meeting of the Ballinora/Ballincollig Branch of the Irish Red Cross was held in Ballinora GAA Hall on 23rd January 2019.
Attendance:- Mary Murphy, Clair Dineen, John Joe Lyons, Gemma Dineen, Francis Mulvhill, Mark Lee, Anita Blake Gallagher, Pat O’ Connor, Cecily Lyons, Paul Martin, Francis Hurley, Mateusz Florek Aileen Murphy, Brian Gallagher, Mary Keogh, Denis Dineen, Denis Murphy, Eddie Fitzgerald,  Fr Declan Mansfield, Imelda O’ Connor, Geraldine Cronin, Dr Gerard Murphy, Barry O’ Sullivan, Marie Mc Sweeney and Sarah Prendergast.
Apologies:- Deirdre Brosnan, Brendan O’ Connor, Ann Marie O’ Leary, Julie Conway, Máire Fitzgerald, Eileen Sheehan, Betty Brosnan, Ann O’ Shea, Joan O’ Shea, Rev Ian Jonas, Avril Walsh, Ber Greally, Gobnait Lynch, Karen O’ Sullivan, Paula Grey, Gillian Beasley, Niamh O’ Flynn and Catherine Waldock.
Chairperson Mary Murphy opened the meeting by welcoming all members present. Also the Area Director of Units Cork S/W John Joe Lyons, Cork Area Chairman Pat O’ Connor, Health & Social Care Officer Marie Mc Sweeney and Patron Fr Declan Mansfield.
2018 A.G.M. Report
The 2018 A.G.M report was then read to the meeting by the Secretary. As there was no matters arising it was proposed by Aileen Murphy and seconded by Francis Hurley.
2018 Branch Secretaries Report
The Secretary then read a detailed report covering all aspects of the Branch activities during the past year e.g. Membership, Duties, Events, Ambulance maintenance, Senior Unit, Bicycle Unit, Courses, Cadet/Youth, Health & Social Care and Fundraising etc.
Matters arising:- Aileen Murphy  mentioned Gemma  Dineen is also an ‘Assistant Senior Unit Officer’.
The minutes and amendment were proposed by Anita Blake Gallagher and seconded by Pat O’ Connor.
Treasurers Report
Sarah had prepared a very detailed and comprehensive report – detailing all of the income and expenditure of the Branch throughout the year.
2018 commenced with an opening balance of €47,716.66. Duties continue to be the best source of income €8,950.00, Course Income €1,705.00, Fundraising €4,048.92.
Expenditure:-  The Ambulance was again the largest expenditure €4,348.74. The purchase price of the ‘new’ Ambulance was €22,700.00, Courses €1,414.98, Donations -Myanmar Appeal Fund €1,000.00 and Cork Area Resilient Fund €500.00.
The closing balance at 31 December was €30,018.41.
Sarah thanked Mary Murphy for all of her help throughout the year in organising Church Gate collections. There is a huge amount of work involved and Mary’s help was very much appreciated.
Chairpersons Report
Mary thanked all of the volunteers for their continued commitment thus enabling the branch to have a very successful year. It was great to see this commitment being recognised when the National Volunteer nominees were announced – Aileen was short listed for unit member of the year, Imelda was shortlisted for volunteer of the year and the Branch was shortlisted in the Branch of the year category.
She welcomed all the new members, especially the members from the Macroom Branch that amalgamated with us mid-year.
Ambulance:- The new Ambulance is an exciting addition to our Branch, the beloved Transit had served its’ purpose on many an occasion in the past. The duties continued to be in demand. In 2018 the Unit members clocked up hundreds of hours in the line of duty. Congratulations to you all, it is an amazing achievement, thanks also to the dedicated Senior Unit Officers Aileen, Imelda, Barry and Gemma who organised crews for these duties and ensured the ambulance and bikes were ready for road.
Courses/training:- Many courses were delivered throughout the year  - the Secretary and I  decided to attend a Practical First Aid course. Our Instructors attended an up-skilling day, thus enabling them to deliver the new First Aid Responder course. As well as attending courses, the weekly training continued for Unit members, this ensures the high standards and maintain the PHECC requirements.
Mary thanked our Health & Social Care Officer Marie for delivering health & social activities, including the monthly Skin Camouflage clinic in the Westgate Foundation, Ballincollig.
She complemented the Cardiac First Response Group, Imelda, Eddie, Marie and Cecily for arranging the monthly training and maintenance of the AED machines around the Parish.
The Cadet section could not survive without the sheer dedication of Unit Officer Geraldine and Youth Officer Katie. Their commitment knows no bounds, as illustrated by Geraldine who not only volunteered over 500 hours on Red Cross /Cadet Activities but also managed to organise a fantastic wedding – congratulations Geraldine and Kevin.
Fundraising is a very important aspect of our branch. Thanks to all of the volunteers who willingly gave up their time regardless of the weather to collect at Church Gates when asked to do so. As always it would be great if a few more could help on these occasions.
Mary concluded by thanking her fellow officers and members and wished them all well for 2019.
Guest speakers
Area Chairperson Pat O’ Connor – complimented the quality of the reports and expressed a wish that other branches would do likewise. He welcomed the imminent arrival of the ‘new’ ambulance and said the old one must pass a CVRT prior to it being sold.
He spoke of the Officers vacating their role – Sarah who has been branch treasurer since 2010.She has been involved in the branch since joining as a Cadet, was part of the F.A.C.E team that won the Presidential Award and went on to represent Ireland at European level in 2011. As in previous years and In spite of the enormous amount of work involved as well as Audits etc. she again delivered an excellent report.
Mary Keogh has been the Vice Chairperson of the branch for several years. Dedicated many hours in delivering courses, to organisations that requested them.  She was also part of the very successful team than won the Presidential trophy and went on represent Ireland in Belgium in 2011.
Marie Mc Sweeney has been the Health & Social Care Officer for the past twelve years. A lot of changes have happen in that time e.g. changes in policies and regulations, introduction of the Carer’s award, volunteer award, migrants needing assistance but to name a few.
Pat concluded by thanking the branch for the €500.00 donation to the Cork Area Resilient Fund.
Area Director for Cork S/W John Joe Lyons He complemented the branch on the quality of the reports.
He would normally deal with ambulance duties –there are more and more regulations being announced and it would not be possible to manage same without the dedicated assistance from his Deputy Director Imelda. Also Aileen Senior Unit Officer who is always willing to help when requested to do so.
He complemented Imelda on her TV appearance – the afternoon show with Maura and Daithí in which she demonstrated the skill of helping a chocking infant.
Anita and Brian were welcomed to the branch as indeed all of the Macroom branch members.
He wished Gemma all the best for her EMT training, and stated it is so important to have new EMT’s being trained up.
HSE will now refund branches for cover whenever the occasion arises.
He reminded members that all the usual duties will be taking place in 2019 e.g. car rallies, point to point, concerts etc. It is so important to have an ambulances with a ramp available in the event of a patient being taken to hospital.
He concluded by wishing Mary, Marie and Sarah all the very best. He wished the branch all the best with the ‘new’ ambulance.
Emergency Medical Director Dr Gerard Murphy congratulated the branch for their great work.  He admired the healthy financial position in spite of having purchased a replacement ambulance, which will be of great benefit to the volunteers while carrying out the various duties.
He thanked Imelda and her crew for providing cover for a duty in Turners Cross at very short notice.
He concluded by wishing the branch continued success in the year ahead. 

Election of Officers
Cork Area Chairperson Pat O’ Connor presided over the election.
All the outgoing Patrons were re- elected:- Fr Declan Mansfield, Fr George O’ Mahony, Rev Ian Jonas and Fr Christy Fitzgerald
Chairperson – Mary Murphy was re-elected – proposed by Marie Mc Sweeney, 2nd by Imelda O’ Connor.
Vice Chairperson – Sarah Prendergast was proposed by Aileen Murphy, 2nd by Geraldine Cronin.
Treasurer – Paul Martin was proposed by Imelda O’ Connor, 2nd by Gemma Dineen.
Secretary/PRO – Clair Dineen was re-elected proposed by Mary Murphy 2nd by Sarah Prendergast.

Committee Members:- Imelda O’ Connor proposed by Aileen Murphy 2nd by Marie Mc Sweeney.
Barry O’ Sullivan proposed by Imelda O’ Connor 2nd by Gemma Dineen
Eddie Fitzgerald proposed by Imelda O’ Connor 2nd Aileen Murphy
Pat O’ Connor proposed by Marie Mc Sweeney 2nd Mary Murphy.
Area Representatives Mary Murphy and Clair Dineen were re-elected proposed by Denis Murphy 2nd Imelda O’ Connor.
Youth Officer – Katie O’ Riordan was re-elected proposed by Geraldine Cronin 2nd by Barry O’ Sullivan.
Senior Unit Officer – Aileen Murphy proposed by Imelda O’ Connor 2nd by Geraldine Cronin.
Health & Social Care Officer – Marie Mc Sweeney was re-elected proposed by Barry O’ Sullivan 2nd by Eddie Fitzgerald.
Emergency Medical Officer – Dr Gerard Murphy proposed by Eddie Fitzgerald 2nd by Clair Dineen.
Francis Hurley mentioned that unfortunately he was not able to commit his time as ambulance driver in the past year. He informed the meeting that he wished to step aside for 2019.
Mary thanked him for his time and commitment and hope he will resume duties again in the future.
Finally bouquets of flowers were presented to Mary Keogh and Sarah Prendergast as a token of appreciation from the branch.
Geraldine Cronin was presented with a wedding gift and bouquet of flowers.
Mary thanked all members and guests for attending and wishes all a very healthy year ahead.