Branch of the Irish Red Cross.
The Annual
General Meeting was held on 15th January 2014.
In attendance were
members of the branch together with many Area Representatives:-
Mr Ted Noonan Regional Director of Units and chairperson of the new Volunteer Support Group, Pat
O’ Connor Area Chairperson, John Joe Lyons Area Director of Units, Imelda O’
Connor Deputy Director of Units, Geraldine Cronin Area Secretary, Jonathon
Tyner Area Treasurer, Marie Mac Sweeney Area Community Services Officer.
Each section
within the branch gave a very comprehensive report on their activities and
achievements during 2013. It is very evident that the branch is going from
strength to strength. The election of Officers then took place:- Mary Murphy Chairperson, Eileen Sheehan Vice Chairperson, Betty Brosnan Secretary, Clair Dineen Vice Secretary, Sarah Vaughan Treasurer, Clair Dineen P.R.O
During the
meeting a presentation was made by Aileen Murphy Unit Officer to Imelda O’
Connor Deputy Director of Units in acknowledge of all her assistance throughout
the year (see picture)
Also a
presentation of certificates was made to ;- Gemma Dineen, Eileen Kelleher and Amy Kelleher (see
picture) in recognition of having completed the bronze programme in the Option